- Place the engine on the overhaul stand.    Op. 1004D40 ENGINE - POSITION ON STAND AND REMOVE - Proceed with removing the cylinder heads and the oil sump.    Op. 1004E10 ENGINE, REMOVED - REMOVE CYLINDER HEAD AND OIL SUMP FOR INSPECTION - INCLUDES POSITIONING ON STAND AND REMOVAL - Proceed with overhauling the cylinder heads.    Op. 1016E20 CYLINDER HEAD (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT, REMOVED - OVERHAUL- Proceed with completing the dismantling by overhauling and then reassembling the engine.    Op. 1004E20 ENGINE - DISMANTLE AND REASSEMBLE FOLLOWING OPERATION 1004E10 - WASH AND CHECK DISMANTLED PARTS - REFIT CYLINDER HEAD AND OIL SUMP - DOES NOT INCLUDE REPAIRS TO CYLINDER HEAD AND AUXILIARY UNIT - Remove the engine from the overhaul stand.    Op. 1004D40 ENGINE - POSITION ON STAND AND REMOVE