The oil pump module is incorporated in the engine block front cover and is operated directly by the crankshaft. The oil supply is regulated by a pressure relief valve.
The two main lubrication ducts are supplied by means of channels produced through fusion behind the engine block. These main ducts supply the entire engine lubrication system, bearings, cylinder head and camshaft timing variation system.1. Oil pump - crankcase front cover integrated module2. Relief valve3. Oil pump rotors4. Oil pump rear coverOIL FILTER
The oil filter cartridge housing is part of a compact, aluminium alloy module which includes a water-oil heat exchanger.Fitting the module on the left side of the engine block allows a direct connection with the water circuit assisting the rapid heating of the oil whilst the engine is warming up and a reduced oil pressure loss.1. Engine oil filter cover2. Engine oil filter mounting3. Engine oil cooling heat exchanger