939010129 - S063 REAR DOORS CREAKING

With the vehicle moving, particularly over rough ground or during acceleration or braking, noise can be heard from the one of the rear doors.
Check the fastening:

  • of the door opening limiter;
  • of the hinges (upper and lower);
  • of the lock.
Move on to Step 21. Faults in limiter fastening1. If necessary, lubricate the limiter and restore the correct fastening    Op. 7010A28 REAR SIDE DOOR OPENING LIMITER - R.R
2. Faults in hinge fastening.2. If necessary, lubricate the hinge pin and restore the correct fastening    Op. 7010A24 REAR SIDE DOOR HINGES (BOLTED) - REPAIR OR REPLACE WITH DOOR REMOVED
3. Faults in lock fastening3. Restore the correct fastening of the lock    Op. 7010N21 REAR SIDE DOOR LOCK MOTOR/LOCK ASSEMBLY, LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R
4. Faults in striker fastening.4. Check that the striker fastening is correct    Op. 7010B14 REAR SIDE DOOR LOCK STRIKER - R.R
Remove the door panel and check for foreign bodies inside the door.    Op. 7010E10 REAR SIDE DOOR INNER PANEL - R.R. OR REPLACE Move on to Step 3Foreign bodies present.Remove the foreign bodies.
Check the fastening:

  • of the window mechanism (electric or manual);
  • of the moving window guides;
  • of the moving window fastening element;
  • of the door opening/closure linkage
End of diagnosis1. Faults in window fastening (manual).1. Restore the correct fastening of the windowOp. 7010D36 REAR SIDE DOOR WINDOW MECHANISM - CHECK POSITION AND FASTENING WITH DOOR PANEL REMOVED
2. Faults in window fastening (electric).2. Restore the correct fastening of the windowOp. 7010M24 FRONT SIDE DOOR ELECTRICALLY OPERATED WINDOW MECHANISM - CHECK POSITIONING AND FASTENING
3. Faults in the fastening of the guides and fastening element.3. Restore the correct fastening of the guidesOp. 7010D22 REAR SIDE DOOR DESCENDING WINDOW GLASS GUIDE (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R. WITH DOOR PANEL (AND SUPPORT FRAME) REMOVED
4. Faults in fastening element.4. Replace the fastening element    Op. 7010D12 REAR SIDE DOOR DESCENDING WINDOW GLASS FASTENING ELEMENT (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R.
5. Faults in linkage fastening.5. Restore the linkage fastening clips, see Assembly    Op. 7010C REAR SIDE DOOR LOCK CONTROLS